Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Ok so I have to redo this stupid thing even though I was almost done. I really hate computers with a passion. I hope you liked my little reflection on myself. Now to start on the reflections for the end of the class. This is for anyone who will be in this class. If this applies to you, i hope your ready for a fast paced class. Assignments sometimes overlapp and its crazy. Just don't freak out too bad. I personally would have like a little more time on some of the assignments. I love writing, I really do. I don't even mind the promps all that much. It would just be nice to have more time on some of the essays so I know what I'm talking about when I write. Something that I jsut found out is that Paul likes comics. I wonder how easy it would be to get him sidetracked into talking about comics. Although he's pretty good at staying on topic even if you do not want to. I always love it when my teacher is easy to sidetrack. I had so much typed up and then I messed it up by clickong on this one button and I know no longer remember what I wrote. The only other thing I remember is World of Warcraft and Dungeons and dragons. I swear when Paul walked in the class that first day i was like woah, I bet he goes home everynight to play W.O.W. and dungeons and dragons. And that W.O.W. for anyonw who doesn't know means World of Warcraft. He says he doesn't have time but who knows. He does drive all the way from Hampton everyday. I think so don't quote me on it. I hate driven to and from Chesapeake and Norfolk all the time. I know they aren't as far as Hampton but still. I absolutly hate driving. jsut think what traffic would be like. Yikes. Either way I know I got way off topic. I'm good at that. But English is a fun class just if you don't like fast paced then is not the right class for you. Take the sixteen week course. Its probably way slower paced then the eight week course. Enjoy!!

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